Report for hosting Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Release Party in Korea


ubuntu linux review update

Last weekend, We(Ubuntu Korea Community) hosted Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Release Party in 3 different cities. We hosted event on Saturday at Seoul and Busan, and on Sunday at Daejeon. All event were ended successfully.


At Seoul, It was held at D.CAMP near Seolleung station. The event was co-hosted with “Well, It’s not related to coding” About 60~70 people attended to celebrate the release of new LTS version. We talked about changes in the new LTS release and also other topics such as:

  • Ubuntu Server tips like fine dust
  • What’s new in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • A Story about container which is not related to VM
  • Q1 C++ Basics study result
  • Status of the Hanjp-IM Project

After seminar session, we shared some gifts from LoCo Conference pack with our attendees. and also Bionic Beaver T-shirts that was group purchased by our LoCo team.

You can see more photos from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Release Party @ Seoul at here


At Daejeon, a potluck party was held at Daejeon Social Capital Center. About 15~20 people attended to celebrate new LTS release. Since it was a potluck party, Every attendees brought their own food to share with others. They also talked about some changes in Bionic Beaver. and also, they shared upcoming event plans with attendees. group purchased T-shirts and some gifts from LoCo Conference pack was also shared at this event.

You can see more photos from Ubuntu 18.04 Release Party @ Daejeon at here


At Busan, A Small tea time event was hold at Pathfinder About 7~10 people attended to celebrate new LTS release.

People talked about the LTS release and they also tried to install on their laptop. after the talk, they shared group purchased T-shirts and some gifts from LoCo Conference pack. Since we have just one photo from the event from Busan, We’re trying to gather from attendees. New photos will be uploaded at here


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캐노니컬(Canonical) 에서 몇일 전(2016.10.18 18:02:06 UTC) 에 캐노니컬 라이브패치 서비스(Canonical Livepatch Service) 를 공개했습니다. 라이브패치 서비스를 사용하면, 중요한 커널 패치를 재부팅 없이 적용할 수 있습니다. 때문에, 우분투를 이용하여 서버를 운영하는 경우, 라이브패치 서비스를 이용하면, 재부팅으로 인해 서비스 중단이 생기는 경우가 없어지는 장점을 얻을 수 있습니다. 서비스 요금 일반 사용자 : 우분투 원 계정이 있는 경우, 최대 3대의 서버/데스크탑/VM 에서 무료로 사용이 가능합니다.


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